Faculty member

Name: Arpan Dhungel
Designation: Assistant Professor
Date Of Birth: 30/06/2000
Educational Qualification: Master Of Pharmacy (Pharmacology)
Work Experience: 6 months
Area Of Research: Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of new chalcone derivatives as lung cancer proliferation inhibitors in mice.
Nature of association: Regular
Date of joining: 01/02/2024
E-mail: dhungelarpan12@gmail.com
Training and conference details:
1. Conference: 02
2. Training: 02
3. Poster presentation: 01
4. Oral presentation: 01
5. National/ International: 02
Subject Teaching in Diploma and UG level: Pharmacology and toxicology, Human anatomy and physiology.
Research Guidance
1. B. Pharm: Nil
2. M. Pharm: Nil
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